...For every thought and action one takes, for every product and service one makes
Is found the TEST of conduct and behavior on the scale of life and death
So be reflective, thoughtful, then judge safe and well...
Is found the TEST of conduct and behavior on the scale of life and death
So be reflective, thoughtful, then judge safe and well...
The Management Forensics Institute
Nano-Articles Application Suite
Nano-Articles Application Suite
Welcome to Nano Articles
A crash course in critical concepts and subject areas of importance to our lives, living, and economies. These are a set of articles by concept areas which are geared towards building up your protection against harm and hurt. Each concept area is a building block or perspective that is meant to strengthen the understanding of safety and that of protection from harm hurt, victimization and many more such insidious events. You develop insights, tips, techniques, and strategies to lead a more situational aware life for yourself and your loved ones. |
Why is Safety Important
Unfortunately safety is not a state of mind for some people but if it were then there will be less harm. Safety should always be on one's mind whether it's by practice, calculated, or by intuition as an advanced form of safety. By practicing and knowing safety principles then one is able to function in any situation whether personal, professional, business or other, and uninhibited in the pursuit of one's development and one's path. One is then able to more easily navigate towards one's goals and objectives for a continuously expanding universe of success for whatever good one aspires to achieve. |
Zero Correlation with Wealth
There is no positive correlation between wealth, fame, fortune, or being a celebrity and being safe from harm or hurt. If having wealth or fame is equal to being safe, then there should not have been another exploitation in the world of the rich and famous, or another airline disaster, or the 2007 real estate crash, or the Enron collapse as well as many other failures and disasters you may already be aware of. That is why safety is left to each of us to manage. The question then becomes "How do you practice safety whether personal, professional, or business" for your personal successes? |
Mental Tools
When you learn to make simple forecasts, projections, estimations, and extrapolations about a situation then you're able to perceive outcomes that are good or not so good for you. It's a good idea to begin practicing use of these mental tools. |
Building Blocks of Safety
The Management Forensics Institute has developed each of these building blocks of safety for your study. Explore at your own pace and convenience each of these safety building blocks with their associated nano-articles. These nano-articles will enlighten you on concepts which you may or may not be familiar with. However, with a little bit of perception, reflection, and imagination you will soon observe and experience that your ability to contemplate and avoid harm will improve. |
The Basic Objective
As you study the articles your level of awareness and conscientiousness is meant to increase and improve so that you become a better judge of your thoughts and actions but more importantly its about how you can deflect and dodge the harm posed by others. |
The Next Step
Access the Management Forensics Institute library of Nano Articles where you immediately start learning more about safety that matters to you at all levels whether personal, professional, or business. You will learn much about harm, hurt, and evil and what are the fundamental rules for staying safer for yourself and your loved ones. |
Subscribe now for a special introductory fee of US $10.00 (US Ten Dollars) per year. If at any point you are not satisfied during the subscription period you can easily request an immediate refund within the subscription year.
Your 1Yr Annual Subscription support will help the Management Forensics Institute to improve the commentary and coaching on prevention of harm and hurt and to bring you the depth of knowledge and information for your continued learning and benefit. |
Get these exclusive Safety Tips! |
(Bonus) Zero Cost - Get the Covid-19 Quick Status
Ignorance of the law is
not a defense. Know before you go. |
How do you develop and protect your Best Weapon of Defense
How do you develop and protect your Skills, Talents, and Abilities
How do you model the other Orbits in Nature and Instincts
How do you avoid and protect against Harmful Speech
The Test of Conduct and Behavior in Character, and Quality of Products and Services
How to maintain and protect the Sanity of Conduct & Behavior
Understand problem-solving and solution development through context, perspective, structure, and proper classification
Understand the orbital role of economies with how Intellect, Resources, Production, Value, Wealth, and Exchange are defined
At the professional level understand how to improve and protect against harm, hurt, and violations with the insights, ethics, optics, and forensics of decision making
At the personal level understand how to improve and protect against harm, hurt, and violations with the insights, ethics, optics, and forensics of decision making
How to improve, maintain, and protect health with fitness, nutrition, mental, medical and dental awareness
Understand Firearms and Safety
Understand the simplicity of politics and the difficulty of implementation
When good is not enough then radical or incremental changes are next
How is technology unfolding from then to now and beyond
Your personal and professional safety is my priority!
Get honest and trustworthy ANSWERS and SOLUTIONS to critical questions and concerns in various topic areas. Get How-to and Step-by-Step advise and guidance in support of your decision making needs for your work performance, your safety-fitness, safety-awareness, and your navigation through known and unknown situations. Manage the improvement of your performance, instincts, and guidance with the ethics, optics, and forensics of decision making. Beware, recognize, detect and counteract harm, insanity, oppression, manipulation, bullying, humiliation, intimidation, and harassment for a stronger, braver, capable, and more invincible You.
Management Forensics Institute (C) 2016 - 2020