Why Register for the Unique Management Forensics Safety Training?
Register for your EZ 123 Management Forensics evil-spotter, trouble-checker, threat-detection, harm-prevention, and self-defense training program for Personal, Professional, and Business Safety.
Stop harm before hurt stops you, See harm before hurt seize you! It only takes one or two safety incidents to impact one's life.
Start practicing proper safety now. Remember - practice makes permanent.
Top 10 plus Learning Objectives
Earn your Management Forensics Certification |
Access your private online training portal and learn at your own pace. Access the HelpDesk for your questions or concerns 24/7/366.
Complete the online safety training feedback form now for more details and start learning sooner rather than later.
Click a link below to access the feedback form.
Complete the online safety training feedback form now for more details and start learning sooner rather than later.
Click a link below to access the feedback form.
1) Business Safety
2) Personal Safety
3) Professional Safety
The MFI Curriculum
The Personal Safety SWAT workshop Outline
The Workforce Protective Detail workshop Outline
The Personal Safety SWAT workshop Outline
The Workforce Protective Detail workshop Outline
Support@ManagementForensicsInstitute.com (SM)
Helping you transform the difficult decision-making
Into simple decision-making
Get a 2nd Opinion First!
Helping you transform the difficult decision-making
Into simple decision-making
Get a 2nd Opinion First!
Management Forensics Institute (C) 2016 - 2022