Welcome to the Management Forensics Institute (MFI) where you learn that safety is Mindfulness, Fearlessness, and Integrity.
Add something special to your existing workout fitness routine with MFI Workout Fitness Routine (WFR).
It's about time for a personal safety briefing? Get the best personal safety coaching here with Personal Safety SWAT.
Protect your career with trust, integrity, and reputation by understanding the critical concepts of Safety, Survival, Career, Work, Economy, Politics, and more. Get the best professional and career insights with Workforce Protective Detail (WPD).
Where do you go for support when most needed? Get the best, the friendliest and the most courteous support from the Management HelpDesk.
Your safety and success is my priority. Don't stress and lose hope or faith.
Add something special to your existing workout fitness routine with MFI Workout Fitness Routine (WFR).
It's about time for a personal safety briefing? Get the best personal safety coaching here with Personal Safety SWAT.
Protect your career with trust, integrity, and reputation by understanding the critical concepts of Safety, Survival, Career, Work, Economy, Politics, and more. Get the best professional and career insights with Workforce Protective Detail (WPD).
Where do you go for support when most needed? Get the best, the friendliest and the most courteous support from the Management HelpDesk.
Your safety and success is my priority. Don't stress and lose hope or faith.
The Management Forensics Institute (MFI)
Improving intellectual and physical self-defenses one day at a time
Improving intellectual and physical self-defenses one day at a time
MFI360 KNightSchool
... something for everyone ...
Monday (Personal Safety)
Tuesday (Professional Safety)
Wednesday (Celebrity Safety)
Thursday (Business Safety)
Friday (Organizational Safety)
Self-defense Tips and Techniques
- Self-defense is a State Law
- Each State has its own self-defense law
- To retreat or to stand your ground
- Remember, ignorance of the law is not a legal defense
- Knowing your law will set you free
- Having the desire to defend yourself is simply not enough
- You need the optimum strength, but having the optimum strength is also not enough
- You need the techniques to make a successful self-defense
Self-defense Tips and Techniques
- Your career is your product that builds your economy
- groom it well
- groom it well
Self-defense Tips and Techniques
- Be mindful of your surroundings
- Curious onlookers or something else?
Self-defense Tips and Techniques
- Resist the temptation to speed to market
- Choose
- Quality of speed
- Quality of Quantity
- Quality of speed
Self-defense Tips and Techniques
The Management Forensics Institute (MFI)
Request your Virtual Coaching Free Consultation
Improving intellectual and physical self-defenses one day at a time
Request your Virtual Coaching Free Consultation
Improving intellectual and physical self-defenses one day at a time
Dear Trainee, complete the below pre-assessment survey in preparation for your Free Consultation and Q&A on how the MFI can help you achieve your goals and objectives.
Management Forensics Institute (C) 2016 - 2022