By clicking the Accept button below, I accept the following terms and use agreement regarding the Management Forensics Institute's Workout Fitness Routine (WFR) workshop, and I understand that I am free and under no obligation to contact the Management Forensics Institute with any questions, concerns, reservations, or comments I may have about the workshop.
That, I intend to practice safe and upright conduct and behavior at all times, and in compliance with the moral, ethical, criminal, and civil laws of society.
That, I understand the instructions and guidances put forward by the MFI WFR regarding goals and objectives, benefits, requirements and health-suitability, eligibility criteria and other guidance as published by the MFI WFR.
That, I intend to always do what's right and avoid what's harmful to people, property, or other, and to use good judgement.
That, I intend not to hold the Management Forensics Institute liable for any of my intents or actions, intentionally or unintentionally, arising out of the coaching guidance from the Management Forensics Institute's workshops.
That, the primary purpose of my taking this Management Forensics Institute Workshop or other Management Forensics Institute workshops is for the sole purpose of helping me to avoid harm from myself or from others and for helping to protect others as allowed by the prevailing laws and statutes of society.
That, I understand when in a situation of harm or danger and I'm in need of help that I should first of all call 911 for assistance earlier rather than later.
That, I understand I have the right to self-defense after exhausting my options for retreat if faced with physical, mental or other life-threatening dangers of harm, hurt, victimization, or other dangers such as murder.
That, I intend to be truthful and honest in my actions and dealings at all times.
That, I shall ethically and lawfully protect the privacy of my credentials used in the MFI workshops and to protect it from disclosure to anyone other than to whom the training license is granted, or to whom I have duly authorized it's use.
That, I shall not copy, duplicate, or distribute the training materials in any shape or form or medium without the express knowledge or consent of the MFI Coach Buddy Bacchus, or a duly-authorized Management Forensics Institute Official.
That, I shall obtain permission and approval in writing from the Management Forensics Institute for use of any material.
That, I understand that the training materials are for single-use only and cannot be commercially shared, or cannot be communicated to others unless within the bounds of what is considered reasonable and without infringing upon the intellectual property rights of the Management Forensics Institute.
That, I shall abide by all copyright laws and regulations both domestic and foreign for the purposes of protecting the intellectual rights of these training materials.
That, if I have any doubts, questions, or concerns my first step is that I shall contact the Management Forensics Institute's Coach Buddy Bacchus for further guidance.
That, I understand it is Management Forensics Institute's goal to help me achieve my full potentials of goodness, greatness, and safety towards my self-improvement and general well-being in society and life.
That, I intend to practice safe and upright conduct and behavior at all times, and in compliance with the moral, ethical, criminal, and civil laws of society.
That, I understand the instructions and guidances put forward by the MFI WFR regarding goals and objectives, benefits, requirements and health-suitability, eligibility criteria and other guidance as published by the MFI WFR.
That, I intend to always do what's right and avoid what's harmful to people, property, or other, and to use good judgement.
That, I intend not to hold the Management Forensics Institute liable for any of my intents or actions, intentionally or unintentionally, arising out of the coaching guidance from the Management Forensics Institute's workshops.
That, the primary purpose of my taking this Management Forensics Institute Workshop or other Management Forensics Institute workshops is for the sole purpose of helping me to avoid harm from myself or from others and for helping to protect others as allowed by the prevailing laws and statutes of society.
That, I understand when in a situation of harm or danger and I'm in need of help that I should first of all call 911 for assistance earlier rather than later.
That, I understand I have the right to self-defense after exhausting my options for retreat if faced with physical, mental or other life-threatening dangers of harm, hurt, victimization, or other dangers such as murder.
That, I intend to be truthful and honest in my actions and dealings at all times.
That, I shall ethically and lawfully protect the privacy of my credentials used in the MFI workshops and to protect it from disclosure to anyone other than to whom the training license is granted, or to whom I have duly authorized it's use.
That, I shall not copy, duplicate, or distribute the training materials in any shape or form or medium without the express knowledge or consent of the MFI Coach Buddy Bacchus, or a duly-authorized Management Forensics Institute Official.
That, I shall obtain permission and approval in writing from the Management Forensics Institute for use of any material.
That, I understand that the training materials are for single-use only and cannot be commercially shared, or cannot be communicated to others unless within the bounds of what is considered reasonable and without infringing upon the intellectual property rights of the Management Forensics Institute.
That, I shall abide by all copyright laws and regulations both domestic and foreign for the purposes of protecting the intellectual rights of these training materials.
That, if I have any doubts, questions, or concerns my first step is that I shall contact the Management Forensics Institute's Coach Buddy Bacchus for further guidance.
That, I understand it is Management Forensics Institute's goal to help me achieve my full potentials of goodness, greatness, and safety towards my self-improvement and general well-being in society and life.
Management Forensics Institute (C) 2016 - 2021