Source - Management Forensics Institute
Audience Rating - Leadership, Management, Operations, General Audience
Coach - Buddy Bacchus
Audience Rating - Leadership, Management, Operations, General Audience
Coach - Buddy Bacchus
Digital transformation by the lens
The concept is an exciting one! Much pioneering effort is now underway to transform the way in which we interact with our world. We've gone on a continuum from the simple view-master to the virtual-reality (VR) headsets. However, this mode which primarily served an entertaining purpose has its limitations. These lens transported us to a different world without much interaction from us the on-looker.
Then came the augmented-reality (AR) headsets. These gave us an opportunity to start interacting with the virtual world. We're able to project data or images on other objects thereby improving our viewing experience with renewed interest.
Now we're at the point of mixed-reality (MR). This experience is definitely a game-changer if not magical. We can now experience our own real-time environment blended with enhancements such as holographic images and rich visual insertions beginning to open up a whole new world of possibilities.
The quest for the ideal mixed-reality solutions continues to be played out by the big names in the business such as Dell, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, and others. Stay tuned for more...
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decisionSmartDS+(C)2017 Management Forensics Institute