Source - Management Forensics Institute
Audience Rating - General Audience
Audience Rating - General Audience
ALERT - MFI COVID-19 Safety Guideline
- Wear a personal protective mask N95 or near equivalent protective cloth mask
- Avoid high-impact socialization, people-proximity, stay at least 6 feet distance to AVOID infection from high viral loads
- Avoid indoor gatherings and replace with outdoor gatherings and keep the physical distance
- Phased re-openings per tribal, county, state and federal guidelines are discretionary with respect to your safety
- Understand your personal at-risk underlying medical conditions
- Wash hands thoroughly and avoid contaminated surfaces
- Clean and disinfect surfaces thoroughly
- Wait for the approved viral therapy and approved vaccine
- Maintain good nutrition and health
- Continue to exercise patience and restraint
- Don't lose the will, don't become complacent, and don't be overcome by the fatigue of the efforts against Covid-19
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