Source - Management Forensics Institute
Audience Rating - General Audience
Audience Rating - General Audience
🛠 🧰 A Strategic rules-based approach to testing The Return to Fractional-Normal towards Ultimate-Normal 🦠
A potential strategy as we think and contemplate about what it takes to “return to normal” within each geographical economy, with the appropriate measure of sustainable financial stimulus to protect and to preserve the human and economic capital towards the road of recovery.
Rule #1 - The philosophy of saving lives and protecting the human capital
The rate and rapidity of lifting each economy’s lockdowns must be logarithmic or multiple times slower, measured and deliberate to save lives, being antithetical to the rate of lockdown, and taking a cue from the rate and rapidity that hastened the economy’s lockdowns in the first place in order to save lives. To avoid a relapse, escalation or further deterioration of the infection rate.
Rule #2 - Noticeable change in the rate
The rate of new cases per economy needs to dramatically drop AND so does the rate of deaths, AND so does the ratio of deaths to cases (where the number of cases as the denominator) (currently 1:25) needs to become recognizable, and to begin expanding in the direction of same, more cases, or less cases, but with increasingly less to preferably zero deaths.
Rule #3 - Treating the infected
The population considered infected must remain hospitalized or under isolation or under quarantine until recovery and remain in proper care until relief from Rule #5.
Rule #4 - Protecting the high-risk
The population with known underlying medical conditions and high-risk factors must remain under lockdown AND the non-high-risk population remain under physical and social distancing and protective mask covering until Rule #5.
Rule #5 - Implementing testing
The non-high-risk population in each economy as well as the recovered population must begin testing multiple times and those with positive results to join lockdowns, isolation, and or quarantine and those with multiple negative results continue to abide by social and physical distancing and protective mask covering while preparing for relief with Rule #10.
Rule #6 - Ensuring hospital availability
The rate of hospital-beds availability per economy must begin to regain and reach a 75% or greater availability rate.
Rule #7 - Ensuring stockpile availability
The rate of each economy’s stockpile accumulation must be regained and reach a 75% level or greater inventory.
Rule #8 - Identifying least to high risk environments
In the manner of scaling up slowly from least to greatest human interaction, sectors of the economy should be identified where types of economic activity range from least human interaction to greatest human interaction and collaboration. Following this range from least to most interaction, populations from Rule #5 should be prepared to return to their respective economic activity based on the least to most range of activity and interaction.
Rule #9 - Returning economy from least to highest interactions
The population from Rule #5 when certified with true negative test results is then inventoried and tracked and certified to return to an economic activity in the priority of human interaction being least to greatest such as an activity being independent, low-collaborative, medium-collaborative, high-collaborative or complex collaborative as identified in Rule #8, and may do so with physical and social distancing where mask covering is in effect, and with the understanding of the need for repeat testing and reporting of results.
Rule #10 - Enabling a risk-averse environment
Per each economy, as more and more of the population from Rule #5 return to their respective economic functions in low and measured scale from maximum telework capability to collaborative workspace, should there be a relapse or new outbreak then the planned low to gradual scale return to economic function shall be able to quickly adapt to a localized containment for safety and recovery should there be a threat of a new outbreak.
Rule #11 - Achieving antiviral capbility
As trusted, robust, and high-confidence antivirals and vaccines become safe and available, and with reduced or zero risks from statistical anomalies, then population groups from Rules #3,4,5 and 8 can be treated with the appropriate immunotherapy.
Rule #12 - Achieving round-the-clock surveillance
An international pandemic surveillance and counteractive task force must be setup to manage outbreaks.
Courtesy of the Management Forensics Institute
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Rule #1 - The philosophy of saving lives and protecting the human capital
The rate and rapidity of lifting each economy’s lockdowns must be logarithmic or multiple times slower, measured and deliberate to save lives, being antithetical to the rate of lockdown, and taking a cue from the rate and rapidity that hastened the economy’s lockdowns in the first place in order to save lives. To avoid a relapse, escalation or further deterioration of the infection rate.
Rule #2 - Noticeable change in the rate
The rate of new cases per economy needs to dramatically drop AND so does the rate of deaths, AND so does the ratio of deaths to cases (where the number of cases as the denominator) (currently 1:25) needs to become recognizable, and to begin expanding in the direction of same, more cases, or less cases, but with increasingly less to preferably zero deaths.
Rule #3 - Treating the infected
The population considered infected must remain hospitalized or under isolation or under quarantine until recovery and remain in proper care until relief from Rule #5.
Rule #4 - Protecting the high-risk
The population with known underlying medical conditions and high-risk factors must remain under lockdown AND the non-high-risk population remain under physical and social distancing and protective mask covering until Rule #5.
Rule #5 - Implementing testing
The non-high-risk population in each economy as well as the recovered population must begin testing multiple times and those with positive results to join lockdowns, isolation, and or quarantine and those with multiple negative results continue to abide by social and physical distancing and protective mask covering while preparing for relief with Rule #10.
Rule #6 - Ensuring hospital availability
The rate of hospital-beds availability per economy must begin to regain and reach a 75% or greater availability rate.
Rule #7 - Ensuring stockpile availability
The rate of each economy’s stockpile accumulation must be regained and reach a 75% level or greater inventory.
Rule #8 - Identifying least to high risk environments
In the manner of scaling up slowly from least to greatest human interaction, sectors of the economy should be identified where types of economic activity range from least human interaction to greatest human interaction and collaboration. Following this range from least to most interaction, populations from Rule #5 should be prepared to return to their respective economic activity based on the least to most range of activity and interaction.
Rule #9 - Returning economy from least to highest interactions
The population from Rule #5 when certified with true negative test results is then inventoried and tracked and certified to return to an economic activity in the priority of human interaction being least to greatest such as an activity being independent, low-collaborative, medium-collaborative, high-collaborative or complex collaborative as identified in Rule #8, and may do so with physical and social distancing where mask covering is in effect, and with the understanding of the need for repeat testing and reporting of results.
Rule #10 - Enabling a risk-averse environment
Per each economy, as more and more of the population from Rule #5 return to their respective economic functions in low and measured scale from maximum telework capability to collaborative workspace, should there be a relapse or new outbreak then the planned low to gradual scale return to economic function shall be able to quickly adapt to a localized containment for safety and recovery should there be a threat of a new outbreak.
Rule #11 - Achieving antiviral capbility
As trusted, robust, and high-confidence antivirals and vaccines become safe and available, and with reduced or zero risks from statistical anomalies, then population groups from Rules #3,4,5 and 8 can be treated with the appropriate immunotherapy.
Rule #12 - Achieving round-the-clock surveillance
An international pandemic surveillance and counteractive task force must be setup to manage outbreaks.
Courtesy of the Management Forensics Institute
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